People utilse personal trainers for many different reasons which may include
Beginners to exercise - For anyone new to working out, getting professional help makes a lot of sense. Having an expert trainer design a program and then work out with individuals will ensure that they are doing the right exercises and working out properly – this will not only help to avoid injuries, it will also mean getting the most from workouts, reaching goals quickly.

People in need of motivation: Personal trainers are experts in motivation – they understand that many people have difficulty sticking to a regular exercise program. And for many people, simply knowing that your own coach is waiting at the gym to work with them will not only encourage them to show up, but also ensure that once they are there they work hard.

Rehabilitation: If people are recovering from an injury, working with a trainer can make a huge difference to recovery. A qualified professional will be able to design a program to get individuals back to full health without risk of further injury.

Sport specific: specialising in a particular sport – from rock climbing to badminton, rugby to basketball – working with a trainer who has experience in that area can speed up individuals development and ensure that potential is reached.

Major event: If individuals have decided to take on a major event, such as a marathon or a triathlon, engaging the services of an expert can be the difference between getting to the start line ready to do their best, or breaking down injured before the race even starts