Personal programmes and individual coaching will definitely gain the best, however once individuals have a good base of training and technique is effective most will remain far more engaged and motivated - and will ultimately get far better results - when they train in small groups.

Individuals all need a knowledgeable and experienced coach, but a vast majority will also need the same things - more posterior exercises, single leg training, core conditioning, shoulder stabilisation and a tonne of back exercises to balance our seated posture, for example.

Most individuals prefer exercising in groups and almost certainly work harder when the group dynamic keeps us accountable for what we do.

Individuals for example are much less likely to skip a rep, if others are around to witness this. Training in small groups is more fun - hence why all of the biggest fitness movements have been in a group format - more flexible, and is of course more cost effective, making the barrier to entry for good coaching much lower than with personal training.

However group training does not work very well when the groups are too large, and particularly when the exercises involved are more technical and require a greater degree of coaching for example squats, deadlifts.

Much like the approach for sports, it is useful to think of training as comprising of two separate components: strength and conditioning. Strength training is the cornerstone of the programme and is where we include the more skill-based and technical exercises, whilst also challenging the body with increased weights. Conditioning is where we work our heart and lungs, typically with lower skill-based exercises, higher reps and lighter weights. The strength component is where we create the quality foundation and the conditioning element is where we turn up the music, have some fun and just work the body hard.

Both strength training and conditioning work well in groups for most of us, but in groups of various sizes. Our strength training, where the quality work is done, is done better in smaller groups, of say two to four, where the coach or trainer can modify the programme easily for the individuals. Our conditioning sessions on the other hand, can easily be done in larger groups, of say 10 to 20, as the skill or technical component is much lower and the coaching becomes more about motivation and pushing people to work harder, rather than learning new skills, lifting heavier weights, or improving technical proficiency.

For a beginner to training, injured or have sports specific goals, individual training benefits. However other individuals with some gym experience who have no significant injuries - and whose goal is general fitness, will almost certainly do better in groups.